Doula Services

Thank you for finding my Doula page.
Congratulations wherever you are in your family journey, may that be in pregnancy or in the early days or weeks with your little one/s.

My path to being a doula all finally fell into place for me in 2021, and I believe timing is everything. I had been teaching Hypnobirthing classes for 3 years, my children were no longer toddlers, and the first post-covid in-person training course was close to my home. I chose to  train with the fantastic Developing Doulas and was blown away by the course, and the wisdom shared by my two incredibly knowledgeable and inspiring doula facilitators. I now can’t imagine doing anything else, and alongside birth preparation classes I’ve found something I adore in supporting families at this transitional time of life.

I offer both birth and/or postnatal doula support in South West London, covering Merton, Kingston, Sutton, and Wandsworth, and I’d love to speak with you as to how I can support you.

Choosing a Doula is a very personal thing so I offer a free 45 minutes intro call/meet to get to know each other and for you to ask all the questions, this can be over Zoom or in-person at a convenient location.

Birth Doula Availability:

I offer a 4 week on call period (approx 38- 42 weeks)

I am typically booked several months in advance, so please don’t delay getting in touch.

Virtual Birth Doula Support:

I also offer a ‘doula in your pocket’ option. This may be for you if you want my support but I don’t have in-person availability, or you’re seeking the benefits of the emotional and informational support of a doula without the full in-person cost.  Should you be interested in this support please contact me.

Birth doula

Having a doula as your sole or additional birth partner is a very personal thing, and should absolutely be someone you trust and feel safe with. As your doula I can support you physically, emotionally, and practically during pregnancy and at the birth of your baby.

Birth Support – £2000

  • Two birth preparation sessions in pregnancy, at your home (4 hours total)
  • Available throughout pregnancy via whatspp and phone to talk/support/signpost/comfort
  • On call 24/7 from around 38 weeks (or a mutually agreed date)
  • With you during active labour, birth, and first hours after birth
  • One postnatal visit (upto 2 hours)
  • 3 months PregnaHub® access
  • Optional birth pool/TENS hire (subject to availability)
  • Access to my birth, breastfeeding, and parent book library
  • Affirmation cards, relaxation audios, essential oil rollerball

Add a Mindful Natal®** Group Course  +£250

A modern and inclusive antenatal, hypnobirthing, and postnatal birth preparation course with other parents, hosted at David Lloyd Club in Raynes Park (usually £275)

See all dates and book here.

Add a Mindful Natal®** Private Course +£450

A modern and inclusive antenatal, hypnobirthing and postnatal birth preparation course at your home. This course is 6 hours (usually £495).
With this option there would be one (instead of two) additional doula antenatal sessions.

Travel: Package price includes my travel to your home/hospital within 45 minute drive from SM4 6RB. Beyond this to be discussed and possibly charged at an agreed p/mile. Parking charges are not included.
Payment terms:
Birth support – £1000 to be paid upfront as a non-refundable deposit to secure due time dates and start support. Balance (£1000) to be paid in monthly installments by 38 weeks (amount will be split by the number of months remaining prior to 38 weeks).
Group Courses  – to be purchased directly from The Mindful Birth Group website. Difference will be deducted from birth support payment.
Private Courses – £200 non-refundable deposit to secure dates and Pregnahub access, balance £200 to be paid 14 days before first session.
Insurance: Costs include necessary insurance – certificate can be provided on request.

We met Rachel through a hypnobirthing course with the Mindful Birthing Group and we knew after just one session that we wanted to hire her as our Doula. Rachel embodied everything we were looking for in the support for the birth of our son – always calm, compassionate, positive, empathetic and supportive from the start, and a champion for our decisions about how we wanted to birth – at home, in our own environment, as naturally as possible.

Rachel made herself available to us 24/7 after 38 weeks, and she was always quick to answer any of our questions and provide constant reassurance – she consistently checked in with us to find out how things were going and to find out how we were feeling in the lead up to my due date. Her support in the last days of pregnancy really helped calm any anxieties or nerves about my upcoming labour (including those of going over my due date), and she always had resources and knowledge to hand if we did have any particular questions. She was integral in shifting my mindset about birth from one portrayed in Hollywood movies to that of a natural, peaceful and empowering experience.

We ended up having a home birth, as we planned. During labour itself, Rachel was completely invaluable, so much so that I genuinely believe that we could not have birthed in our ideal environment without her. She provided us with immense support both practically, emotionally and mentally – she ensured the birthing pool was topped up and kept to a perfect temperature, she made sure I was well hydrated and provided snacks to keep my energy levels up, she timed and monitored contractions without any intervention, she suggested movements and positions to help labour progress when things had slowed down, made cold compresses throughout the night to keep me comfortable, and she physically supported me throughout labour.

Beyond this, and what really stood out, was Rachel’s continual positive attitude and emotional support – she regularly checked in with me to see how I was doing, provided positive affirmations throughout to remind me that I was capable of birthing in the way I wanted, she reminded me to utilise my breathing techniques, particularly during the pushing phase, to relax my face and jaw, calmed me in my moments of anxiety and provided useful visualisations. It was these measures that really enhanced my birthing experience and enabled me to birth in the way I wanted.

Most notably, Rachel’s indispensable help relieved me and my partner of the practicalities surrounding birth, meaning we could work through each contraction as they came and be in the momement together. I truly believe this mentality, which was fostered and protected by Rachel, enabled us to really focus on birthing our son in the most positive way possible and in the way we planned and hoped for.

Even after our son had arrived and Rachel had been supporting us for over 14 hours, she gave us the space and time to enjoy our first moments together as a family of three, a moment which will live with me forever. Her work didn’t stop here however – she once again made herself indispensible by chaperoning the midwives, sustaining the calm atmosphere, and taking care of the practicals such as sorting out the birthing pool, helping me get dressed, cleaning up, and getting us ready to go into hospital.

Our son was born in the back-to-back position after 28 hours of labour, utilising only hypnobirthing techniques – certainly a feat I never thought myself capable of achieving, but from Rachel’s initial support and guidance and the environment she sustained throughout labour, she was essential to the strength I was able to draw upon and I know that I could not have made it through my labour without her.

Rachel was beyond integral to our birth experience – she knew just what was needed and when – and there are not enough ways we can thank her. We already know that we would love Rachel to be present and support us at the birth of all our future children – we really could not have asked for more in a Doula and we will be indebted to her for life.

Elizabeth & Deji

Postnatal doula

A postnatal doula’s role will look different for every family. As your doula I can support you physically, practically, and emotionally in the first few days, weeks, or months as parents. 

Emotional Support – listening and holding space for you to share or explore feelings, this may be around birth/parenthood/other, signposting to helpful contacts. To help you know you are not alone, take away feeling of overwhelm, and reduce decision-fatigue.

Practical Support – caring for your baby/babies (walking, holding, changing nappies, feeding) while you rest, sleep, relax, exercise, or attend appointments.  I may also do light housework, cooking, or washing.

Feeding Support – support you in your feeding choices and goals, discussing any concerns, sharing guidance, signposting, preparing/cleaning feeding equipment.

Rates and Packages:

  • £40/hour
  • Hours can be booked in 10 hour blocks (so 10 hours = £400, 20 = £800, 30 = 1200, etc)
  • Visits can be between 3-5 hours long.
  • I am available weekdays 10am-2pm
  • I am able to do one overnight a week starting from £300
All postnatal packages include optional postnatal planning session of upto 90 minutes at your home in advance of babys due time.
Costs include travel to your home within 30 minute drive from SM4 6RB. Beyond this to be discussed and possibly charged at an agreed p/mile.
Parking charges are not included.
All Packages – 50% to paid unfront as a non-refundable deposit to secure due time dates. Balance to be paid after the first visit.
Costs include necessary insurance – certificate can be provided on request.

“I was daunted by having someone in my home at a time when I would feel vulnerable. I also felt awkward about having ‘help’ and especially someone walking into a messy house and helping with that. Rachel listened to what I needed – I was working hard to establish breastfeeding and juggling a toddler, newborn, pump and steriliser and needed help to make sure I slept, ate and just didn’t feel like I was drowning. She made me feel so comfortable and so valid in what I needed. Rachel would walk in and it mentally topped me up. She would manage to cook a meal, get on top of the kitchen, fold laundry all with a newborn in a carrier. I could sleep, pump, shower, have a cup of tea or just hold my newborn knowing the rest was taken care of. Most importantly Rachel genuinely cares, she’s so loving and gentle with babies I felt so relaxed handing my tiny bundle over. She’s a calming presence in the chaos of the early weeks and I’m so grateful for her help.” Rebecca, Postnatal Client June 2022

From the Barefoot Instagram feed